Αλλαγή Ρυθμίσεων Cookies
Χρησιμοποιούμε cookies για την εξατομίκευση περιεχομένου και διαφημίσεων, την παροχή λειτουργιών κοινωνικών μέσων και την ανάλυση της επισκεψιμότητάς μας. Επιπλέον, μοιραζόμαστε πληροφορίες που αφορούν τον τρόπο που χρησιμοποιείτε τον ιστότοπό μας με συνεργάτες κοινωνικών μέσων, διαφήμισης και αναλύσεων, οι οποίοι ενδεχομένως να τις συνδυάσουν με άλλες πληροφορίες που τους έχετε παραχωρήσει ή τις οποίες έχουν συλλέξει σε σχέση με την από μέρους σας χρήση των υπηρεσιών τους.
Τα cookies είναι μικρά αρχεία κειμένου, τα οποία αποθηκεύονται από έναν ιστότοπο σε έναν φυλλομετρητή (internet browser) κατά την πλοήγησή μας και στη συνέχεια να τα ανακτήσει, ώστε να τον αναγνωρίσει την επόμενη φορά που θα την επισκεφτεί. Όμως ουδέποτε τα cookies περιέχουν προσωπικές πληροφορίες, οι οποίες θα μπορούσαν να επιτρέψουν σε οποιονδήποτε να επικοινωνήσει με τον επισκέπτη του ιστότοπου όπως π.χ. e-mail, κ.λπ. Στη «Δήλωση Προστασίας Προσωπικών Δεδομένων , που είναι διαθέσιμη στην διεύθυνση www.musicspradio.com/privacy-notice/, μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για τα προσωπικά δεδομένα που συλλέγουμε για εσάς.
Αναγκαία Cookies
Είναι τα cookies που είναι απαραίτητα για την λειτουργία μιας ιστοσελίδας. Τα απαραίτητα cookies βοηθούν στο να γίνει χρηστική μία ιστοσελίδα, επιτρέποντας βασικές λειτουργίες όπως την πλοήγηση και την πρόσβαση σε ασφαλείς περιοχές της ιστοσελίδας. Χωρίς τα cookies η ιστοσελίδα δεν μπορεί να λειτουργήσει κανονικά. Για την συγκεκριμένη κατηγορία cookies δεν ζητάμε την ειδική συγκατάθεση σας. Για όλα τα άλλα cookies απαιτείται η συγκατάθεση σας.
Όνομα | Πάροχος | Σκοπός | Λήξη | Τύπος |
Ccl | Apple INC. | Preserves users states across page requests. | Session | HTTP |
ASPSESSIONID# | Poll-Maker | Preserves users states across page requests. | Session | HTTP |
ak_bmsc | Dailymail | This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website. | 1 ημέρα | HTTP |
AKA_A2 | Dailymail | This cookie is necessary for the cache function. A cache is used by the website to optimize the response time between the visitor and the website. The cache is usually stored on the visitor’s browser. | 1 ημέρα | HTTP |
RT | Dailymail | This cookie is used to identify the visitor through an application. This allows the visitor to login to a website through their LinkedIn application for example. | 6 ημέρες | HTTP |
SESS# | New York Times | Preserves users states across page requests. | 1 ημέρα | HTTP |
PHPSESSID [x2] | Gif Bin inner-ear.gr | Preserves user session state across page requests. | Session | HTTP |
incap_ses_# | EKO | Preserves users states across page requests. | Session | HTTP |
incap_ses_# | EKO | Preserves users states across page requests. | Session | HTTP |
visid_incap_# | EKO | Preserves users states across page requests. | 1 έτος | HTTP |
CookieConsent | CookieConsent | Stores the user’s cookie consent state for the current domain | 1 έτος | HTTP |
wordpress_test_cookie | musicspradio.com | Used to check if the user’s browser supports cookies. | Session | HTTP |
csrftoken | Mixcloud | Helps prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. | 1 έτος | HTTP |
JSESSIONID | New Relic | Preserves users states across page requests. | Session | HTTP |
cookies.js | New York Times | Determines whether the visitor has accepted the cookie consent box. This ensures that the cookie consent box will not be presented again upon re-entry. | Session | HTTP |
nyt-gdpr | New York Times | Determines whether the user is located within the EU and therefore is subject to EU’s data privacy regulations. | 1 ημέρα | HTTP |
AWSALB | Rumble Talk | The cookie is used in context with the local-storage function in the browser. This function allows the website to
load faster by pre-loading certain procedures. |
Persistent | HTML |
local_storage_support_test | The cookie is used in context with the local-storage function in the browser. This function allows the website to load faster by pre-loading certain procedures. | Persistent | HTML | |
Cookies λειτουργικότητας
Είναι cookies που βελτιώνουν την λειτουργικότητα του ιστότοπου. Χάρη στη χρήση των συγκεκριμένων cookies η περιήγηση προσαρμόζεται στα ενδιαφέροντα σας και έτσι μπορούμε να εξοικονομήσουμε τον χρόνο που θα χάνατε επανεισάγοντας πληροφορίες. Προς το παρόν δεν χρησιμοποιούμε Cookies λειτουργικότητας.
Cookies Προτίμησης
Τα cookies προτίμησης επιτρέπουν σε μια ιστοσελίδα να θυμάται πληροφορίες που αλλάζουν τον τρόπο που συμπεριφέρεται η ιστοσελίδα ή την εμφάνισή της, όπως την προτιμώμενη γλώσσα ή την περιοχή, στην οποία βρίσκεστε.
BACKENDID | Bandcamp | Used in context with video and audio-content on the website. Contains any potential user preferences or settings, so that they remain across visits and sub-pages. | Session | HTTP |
Lang | Remembers the user’s selected language version of a website | Session | HTTP | |
bm_sv | Dailymail | Used in context with Mastercard’s Masterpass allowing the visitor to pay with a virtual wallet, facilitating a quicker checkout procedure. | 1 ημέρα | HTTP |
Volume | Dailymail | Used by video players to remember the user’s preferred sound volume. | Persistent | HTML |
Damd | Dailymotion | Remembers the user’s preferences when playing embedded video content from DailyMotion. Also used to keep statistics of user actions. | 1 έτος | HTTP |
nyt-a | New York Times | Used in context with video and audio-content on the website. Contains any potential user preferences or settings, so that they remain across visits and sub-pages. | 1 έτος | HTTP |
Cookies στατιστικών
Τα cookies στατιστικών συλλέγουν πληροφορίες σχετικά με τον τρόπο που οι επισκέπτες μας αλληλεπιδρούν με την ιστοσελίδα.
Όνομα | Πάροχος | Σκοπός | Λήξη | Τύπος |
Geo | Apple INC. | Saves the user’s current geographical location based on the user’s IP address. | Session | HTTP |
_ga [x9] | Bandcamp Dailymotion eko.com Giphy Google Mixcloud Rumble Talk Spotify Tenor | Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website. | 2 έτη | HTTP |
_gid [x9] | Bandcamp Dailymotion eko.com Giphy Google Mixcloud Rumble Talk Spotify Tenor | Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website. | 1 ημέρα | HTTP |
client_id | Bandcamp | Registers statistical data on visitors’ behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator. | 10 έτη | HTTP |
DigiTrust.v1.identity [x2] | Dailymail Digitrust | Registers data on visitors’ website-behaviour. This is used for internal analysis and website optimization. | 6 ημέρες | HTTP |
Loglevel | Dailymail | Collects data on visitor interaction with the website’s video-content – This data is used to make the website’s video-content more relevant towards the visitor. | Persistent | HTML |
_gat [x9] | Dailymotion eko.com Giphy Google Mixcloud New York Times Rumble Talk Spotify Tenor | Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate | 1 ημέρα | HTTP |
Dmvk | Dailymotion | Registers statistical data on visitors’ behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator. | Session | HTTP |
S | Sets a unique ID for the session. This allows the website to obtain data on visitor behaviour for statistical purposes. | 1 ημέρα | HTTP | |
__qca | Giphy | Collects data on the user’s visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded with the purpose of generating reports for optimising the website content. | 1 έτος | HTTP |
Collect | Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor’s device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels. | Session | Pixel | |
Chid | Mixcloud | Implements audio-files on the website, and determines how many and who have listened to these files. | Session | HTTP |
mx_t | Mixcloud | Implements audio-files on the website, and determines how many and who have listened to these files. | 10 έτη | HTTP |
Previmpr | Mixcloud | Implements audio-files on the website, and determines how many and who have listened to these files. | Session | HTTP |
sc_anonymous_id | Soundcloud | This cookie allows users to embed files or other content onto the website, this function can be limited to specific visitors. | 10 έτη | HTTP |
personalization_id | This cookie is set by Twitter – The cookie allows the visitor to share content from the website onto their Twitter profile. | 2 έτη | HTTP | |
Vuid | Vimeo | Collects data on the user’s visits to the website, such as which pages have been read. | 2 έτη | HTTP |
Cookies Εμπορικής Προώθησης
Τα cookies εμπορικής προώθησης χρησιμοποιούνται για την παρακολούθηση των επισκεπτών στους ιστότοπους. Η πρόθεση είναι να εμφανίσουμε διαφημίσεις που είναι σχετικές και ελκυστικές για τους χρήστες και ως εκ τούτου πιο πολύτιμες για τρίτους εκδότες και διαφημιστές.
Όνομα | Πάροχος | Σκοπός | Λήξη | Τύπος |
C | Adform | Used to check if the user’s browser supports cookies. | 30 ημέρες | HTTP |
uid | Adform | Registers a unique user ID that recognises the user’s browser when visiting websites that use the same ad network. The purpose is to optimise display of ads based on the user’s movements and various ad providers’ bids for displaying user ads. | 2 μήνες | HTTP |
AA003 | Collects information on visitor behaviour on multiple websites. This information is used on the website, in order to optimize the relevance of advertisement. | 3 μήνες | HTTP | |
ATN | Targets ads based on behavioural profiling and geographical location. | 2 έτη | HTTP | |
atrk.gif | Alexa Internet | This cookie is used to collect information on consumer behavior, which is sent to Alexa Analytics – Alexa Analytics is an Amazon company. | Session | Pixel |
mol-fe-tracking-local-uuid | Dailymail | Collects information on user behaviour on multiple websites. This information is used in order to optimize the relevance of advertisement on the website. | Persistent | HTML |
prebid.cookieTest | Dailymail | Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor’s preferences. | Persistent | HTML |
DM_ReaderSession | Dailymotion | Remembers the user’s preferences when playing embedded video content from DailyMotion. Also used to keep statistics of user actions. | Persistent | HTML |
inlined_view_id | Dailymotion | Remembers the user’s preferences when playing embedded video content from DailyMotion. Also used to keep statistics of user actions. | Persistent | HTML |
dmxId | public-prod-dspcookiematching.dmxleo.com | Collects data on visitor interaction with the website’s video-content – This data is used to make the website’s video-content more relevant towards the visitor. | 300 ημέρες | HTTP |
IDE | Used by Google DoubleClick to register and report the website user’s actions after viewing or clicking one of the advertiser’s ads with the purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad and to present targeted ads to the user. | 1 έτος | HTTP | |
test_cookie | Used to check if the user’s browser supports cookies. | 1 ημέρα | HTTP | |
sp | ea.eko.com | Used to implement audio-content from Spotify on the website. Can also be used to register user interaction and preferences in context with audio-content – This can serve statistics and marketing purposes. | 1 έτος | HTTP |
_gcl_au [x2] | eko.com New York Times | Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services. | 3 μήνες | HTTP |
fr | Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. | 3 μήνες | HTTP | |
__asc | Giphy | This cookie is used to collect information on consumer behavior, which is sent to Alexa Analytics – Alexa Analytics is an Amazon company. | 1 ημέρα | HTTP |
__auc | Giphy | This cookie is used to collect information on consumer behavior, which is sent to Alexa Analytics – Alexa Analytics is an Amazon company. | 1 έτος | HTTP |
ads/ga-audiences | Used by Google AdWords to re-engage visitors that are likely to convert to customers based on the visitor’s online behaviour across websites. | Session | Pixel | |
NID | Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user’s device. The ID is used for targeted ads. | 6 μήνες | HTTP | |
pigeon_state | Facilitates the sharing function on the website – The cookie also allows websites to track and target the user with advertisement based on the user’s likes and shares. | Persistent | HTML | |
www-claim-v2 | Used for sharing content onto the social platform Instagram – This functionality is used for gathering information on visitor preferences for marketing purposes. | Session | HTML | |
sp_landing [x2] | Spotify Spotify | Used to implement audio-content from Spotify on the website. Can also be used to register user interaction and preferences in context with audio-content – This can serve statistics and marketing purposes. | 1 ημέρα | HTTP |
cref | Quantcast | Contains data on user navigation, interaction and time spent on the website and its sub-pages – This data is used to optimise the relevance of advertisements and for statistical purposes. | 13 μήνες | HTTP |
mc | Quantcast | Collects data on the user’s visits to the website, such as what pages have been loaded. The registered data is used for targeted ads. | 13 μήνες | HTTP |
reddaid | Necessary for the implementation of the Reddit.com’s share-button function. | 2 έτη | HTTP | |
p2 | Scorecardresearch | Registers user data, such as IP address, geographical location, visited websites, and what ads the user has clicked, with the purpose of optimising ad display based on the user’s movement on websites that use the same ad network. | Session | Pixel |
UID | Scorecardresearch | Collects information of the user and his/her movement, such as timestamp for visits, most recently loaded pages and IP address. The data is used by the marketing research network, Scorecard Research, to analyse traffic patterns and carry out surveys to help their clients better understand the customer’s preferences. | 2 έτη | HTTP |
UIDR | Scorecardresearch | Collects information of the user and his/her movement, such as timestamp for visits, most recently loaded pages and IP address. The data is used by the marketing research network, Scorecard Research, to analyse traffic patterns and carry out surveys to help their clients better understand the customer’s preferences. | 2 έτη | HTTP |
sc_at | Snap INC | Used by Snapchat to implement advertisement content on the website – The cookie detects the efficiency of the ads and collects visitor data for further visitor segmentation. | 1 έτος | HTTP |
WIDGET::local::assignments | Soundcloud | Used by audio-platform SoundCloud to implement, measure and improve their embedded content/service on the website – The collection of data also includes visitors’ interaction with embedded content/service. This can be used for statistics or marketing purposes. | Persistent | HTML |
sp_t | Spotify | Used to implement audio-content from Spotify on the website. Can also be used to register user interaction and preferences in context with audio-content – This can serve statistics and marketing purposes. | 2 μήνες | HTTP |
__widgetsettings | Collects data on user behaviour and interaction in order to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant. | Persistent | HTML | |
GPS | YouTube | Registers a unique ID on mobile devices to enable tracking based on geographical GPS location. | 1 ημέρα | HTTP |
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE | YouTube | Tries to estimate the users’ bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos. | 179 ημέρες | HTTP |
YSC | YouTube | Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. | Session | HTTP |
yt-remote-cast-installed | YouTube | Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Session | HTML |
yt-remote-connected-devices | YouTube | Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Persistent | HTML |
yt-remote-device-id | YouTube | Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Persistent | HTML |
yt-remote-fast-check-period | YouTube | Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Session | HTML |
yt-remote-session-app | YouTube | Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Session | HTML |
yt-remote-session-name | YouTube | Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Session | HTML |
jkidd-p | New York Times | Σε αναμονή | 1 έτος | HTTP |
jkidd-s | New York Times | Σε αναμονή | Session | HTTP |
events/1/# | New Relic | Σε αναμονή | Session | Pixel |
Tracking%5FSID | Poll-Maker | Σε αναμονή | Session | HTTP |
mol-fe-cookie-reinforcer | Dailymail | Σε αναμονή | Persistent | HTML |
mol-fe-favicon-new-content-indicator/articleIds | Dailymail | Σε αναμονή | Session | HTML |
mol-fe-tracking-instartlogic | Dailymail | Σε αναμονή | Persistent | HTML |
percent | Dailymail | Σε αναμονή | 1 έτος | HTTP |
_TEST_ | Dailymotion | Σε αναμονή | Session | HTTP |
stlast | Dailymotion | Σε αναμονή | Persistent | HTML |
ts | Dailymotion | Σε αναμονή | 13 μήνες | HTTP |
tzo | Dailymotion | Σε αναμονή | 1 ημέρα | HTTP |
usprivacy | Dailymotion | Σε αναμονή | 13 μήνες | HTTP |
__eko_ia_pathid | eko.com | Σε αναμονή | 29095 ημέρες | HTTP |
__eko_ia_uuid_ | eko.com | Σε αναμονή | 29095 ημέρες | HTTP |
__eko_orig_location | eko.com | Σε αναμονή | Session | HTTP |
__eko_orig_referrer | eko.com | Σε αναμονή | Session | HTTP |
_sp_id.3d9b | eko.com | Σε αναμονή | 2 έτη | HTTP |
_sp_ses.3d9b | eko.com | Σε αναμονή | 1 ημέρα | HTTP |
originReferrer | eko.com | Σε αναμονή | 2914510 ημέρες | HTTP |
mk-player-tsid | Apple INC. | Σε αναμονή | Persistent | HTML |
mtClientConfig_cachedSource_xp_amp_music_webplayer | Apple INC. | Σε αναμονή | Persistent | HTML |
mtClientId_musicspradio.com | Apple INC. | Σε αναμονή | Persistent | HTML |
et-a1 | New York Times | Σε αναμονή | 1 έτος | HTTP |
nlbi_# | EKO | Σε αναμονή | Session | HTTP |
b2b_cig_opt | New York Times | Σε αναμονή | 1 ημέρα | HTTP |
edu_cig_opt | New York Times | Σε αναμονή | 1 ημέρα | HTTP |
nyt-jkidd | New York Times | Σε αναμονή | 1 έτος | HTTP |
nyt-purr | New York Times | Σε αναμονή | 1 έτος | HTTP |
walley | New York Times | Σε αναμονή | 2 έτη | HTTP |
walley_gid | New York Times | Σε αναμονή | 1 ημέρα | HTTP |
rdt_uuid | stage.eko.com | Σε αναμονή | 3 μήνες | HTTP |
_lost-sound_session | Apple INC. | Σε αναμονή | Session | HTTP |
i/jot/syndication | Σε αναμονή | Session | Pixel |
Αταξινόμητα cookies
Τα αταξινόμητα cookies είναι τα cookies που είναι σε στάδιο ταξινόμησης, από κοινού με τους παρόχους μεμονωμένων cookies.
Όνομα | Πάροχος | Σκοπός | Λήξη | Τύπος |
mol.ads.cmp.test | cmp.dmgmediaprivacy.co.uk | Σε αναμονή | 1 ημέρα | HTTP |
__ads_cmp_reprompt | Dailymail | Σε αναμονή | Persistent | HTML |
__cachedGetConsentData | Dailymail | Σε αναμονή | Persistent | HTML |
__cachedVendorConsents | Dailymail | Σε αναμονή | Persistent | HTML |
x-loc | Dailymail | Σε αναμονή | Session | HTTP |
_infm_eventseq | EKO | Σε αναμονή | Persistent | HTML |
_infm_expiration | EKO | Σε αναμονή | Persistent | HTML |
_infm_frameseq | EKO | Σε αναμονή | Persistent | HTML |
_infm_projseq | EKO | Σε αναμονή | Persistent | HTML |
_infm_sessionid | EKO | Σε αναμονή | Persistent | HTML |
_infm_viewseq | EKO | Σε αναμονή | Persistent | HTML |
snowplowOutQueue_snowplow_ekoanalytics_post2 | EKO | Σε αναμονή | Persistent | HTML |